Monday, May 2, 2011


I guess you might have noticed that the books I’m “currently reading” on my side bar have been the same for a bit?


These are not the kind of books that you just rip through like a bag of M&M’s


or a pint of Hagen-Daz chocolate ice cream

…..they are  the kind of books that you savor….kind of like Bailey’s in coffee on a Saturday morning

(hey, I’ve been known to rip through that too, but I’m just sayin’)


or a butterscotch button candy

(yeah, who am I kidding….I can’t suck on those and make them last….I crunch them!)

…..maybe I need to find another metaphor that doesn’t involve food or alcohol…….kind of like savoring lying in bed on a cold, rainy Saturday

…..yeah, that’s it…and watching a good movie, like “Gone With the Wind”

These are books that you savor and think about…..I like that every once in a while….but I know that soon I’ll be back to books that I shoot back like a good shot of Tequila and devour like chips and salsa…’s all about balance!


  1. You are so funny! Pacing is everything, isn't it? That book about creativity looks like one I'd like...I'll have to check it out!

  2. Tammy, I guess that there's a time for everything. There's a time to eat ice cream and there's a time for screaming, lol...

    I'm curious about the Hooked Rug Portraits by Anne-Marie Littenberg. Is it any good and is it worth getting?

    I would like our library to carry more Rug Hooking books that I could borrow as but I seldom see any new ones. JB

  3. Julia,
    The book is TOTALLY worth getting!
