We all have one don't we?
The great "TO DO" list? How about if we turn it into a great "TA DA!" list?
You know.....like a magician pulling a rabbit out of his hat.....TA DA!!! If you're anything like me you have the BIG "TO DO" list.....
paint rug hooking room...I'd really like it to be a color other than beeswax....I"m craving something brighter
clean out closet....it's a mess...summer clothes definitely need to be coming out of there and be packed away....bring on fall and all of it's wonderful colors!
paint utility room cabinets...okay, really not looking forward to this one...but it needs to be done.....especially since they are so close to the fab new kitchen.
you know...the biggies!!!
Then you have the daily "TO DO" list.....
laundry....that's started....putting up the bedspread and getting out the flannel sheets and blankets....those cool nights are here and I"m soooo happy!
dishes....not a big deal, but I still need to unload the washer and get those put away
grocery shopping....not a lot, Kenny does most of that
And the IMPORTANT "TO DO" list....
exercise.....where to fit it in? We walk the dogs every night and now that it's cooler they are walking further so that helps a bit
schedule mammogram.....it's just a phone call away
How is it that the important things get put down at the bottom.....these are things that can really impact our lives in the long haul....I"m guilty....I do it all the time.
So, today I'm going to work on my "TO DO" list and everytime I get something done I'm going to say to myself....."TA DA!"
Let's try it and see if it makes our chores any more fun!
Go forth and be creative,