Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mother Nature...make up your mind!

It's warm, it's cold. We're wearing shorts and now we've got our coats on again! The cherry tree was in full bloom last night when it started raining and snowing.

This morning, the dog's water basin had a beautiful design on top of it.


  1. I'm praising God. We only got a little sleet and some freezing rain but the snow amounted to little more than a dusting. Much less than the 6-8 inches the weather guys were calling for. Today it was warm enough to have the windows open for a short while this afternoon and all of the snow is gone.

    I've been in bed with a lousy cold so I'm going to venture out tomorrow and see if my daylilies managed to survive.

    I like the frosted ice patterns in the dogs water basin.

  2. Our snow is mostly gone, cuz now it's raining! Ahhhh...spring. A bit fickle, but moving us in the right direction. I think, anyway. Happy Belated Birthday!

  3. I hear you. We are lucky, no more snow for us, I hope;)
    Rain coming in though, but we can always use more rainfall before the summer hits.

    That is one fancy dog bowl.

