For some reason....maybe it's the crisp fall air or the fact that it gets dark earlier or maybe it's because I've been on vacation from work.....not sure.....okay, I digress.
I feel like dabbling......
hooking a bit,
knitting a bit,
drawing a bit,
sewing a bit,
cooking a bit,
decorating a bit.
I picked up a book last night at the bookstore on altered, not the paper kind that I've seen so much of and love, but taking bits and pieces of different things and repurposing them.
or this Sieve Doll from Suzanna Scott at SushiPot Art Objects
And get a load of this Watch Dog from the Junkyard Gypsy
What makes me drawn to these things? I have no idea....they are odd and weird and just make you say "hmmmmmm"
I guess that's what I like....the hmmmmmmm part. It just makes me look at things around me differently and I like that new awareness.
Go forth and be creative,
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