Sunday, June 5, 2011


How many of you start off your day like this?

Do you have a favorite blog that is not on my sidebar that you think I need to check out?

If so, let me know!


  1. When I can, I start my day with blogs and diet Coke :)
    Have a great Sunday!
    Pug hugs :)

  2. Well I'm starting my day reading blogs and drinking coffee and catching up on the computer!
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. After my barn chores and a bit of a scrub, I sit to read my followers blogs and a few that are not following but are of interest, once in a while. I like to read about what's going on with my blogging friends.

    I worry about those who haven't blogged lately and are usually regular bloggers, I worry about those who are facing tornados, sickness and other life altering life changes. I like to read blogs who are entertaining and make me laugh and sometimes make me shed some tears.

    I'd say it a love affair with Blogger. JB

  4. I just got an iPad and downloaded an app called flipboard which ha allowed me to run my google reader through it. So I sit down with my tea and cereal in the morning and browse all the wonderful hooking blogs!

  5. You might like
    I love rug hooking and beagles. New blog with about 7 posts.
