Well, that’s a good thing in my case!
As for the “sewing story”…….
I went to the fabric store, bought some black linen,
brought it home and got out all my “tools” to make pockets
for the back of my garden rugs, which would then house
this piece of wood…..one piece of wood on the top, one piece of
wood on the bottom, to weight the rug.
I measured, I measured again, I cut, I sewed, I swore, I sewed
some more. I hand stitched the pocket onto the back of one
of the rugs….one irritating stitch at a time. I stitched, I stuck
myself, I bled, I persevered and I got the frickin’
pocket sewn onto the back of one of the garden rugs.
I threaded the piece of wood through the pocket and I hung it against
the wall to see how it was looking before I sewed on the
pocket on the bottom edge of the rug.
The pocket with the wood in it, made the rug pucker and it just
looked BAD…..I tried not to cry over all the time I had spent
doing all of this…..I bit my lip…..perhaps if I just sew the piece of
wood directly onto the back of the rug on the bottom, I can save
myself a lot of time and see if this is going to look any better
once the rug is weighted at the bottom.
Piece of wood
Fishing line
Oh the stitching is going quite quickly….this is good, I think to myself!
I get the bottom piece stitched on and hold the rug up to the wall…..
The top STILL puckers…even with the weight of the wood along the bottom.
I stop
I do some deep breathing
Sewing that piece of wood directly to the rug was
so easy……and I’ve been making this waaaay
too hard!
I got out my little scissors…..I snipped and snipped
and snipped some more…..ahhhh, the sheer pleasure
of pulling out all of those tiny irritating threads that
I had stitched so carefully one by one, to stitch on the
100% linen pocket……
Now I was like a woman possessed!
I sewed and I sewed and I sewed….but this time it was
Me, the needle and the fishing line were as one!
I had the piece of wood at the top stitched directly to the rug
I placed it against the wall……
it didn’t pucker!
(Insert singing of angels)
I hope to have these “installed” over the holiday
I’d love to hear your questions and comments about
this process. I’ve worked tirelessly with a framer
who is quite knowledgeable about the archival process.
Many things were taken into consideration and I
hope to discuss some of those things in some of my
upcoming posts.