Monday, June 22, 2009

Of gardens and wool

I'm very fortunate to have a husband who is as passionate about gardening as I am about wool!

I started out dyeing a few pieces of wool today for myself and then Sheri from Shabby Sheep stopped by and all heck broke loose.....we were dyeing by the seat of our pants and came out with some fun and crazy wools. Some inspired by the garden and some inspired by the margaritas!!!

By the way....the rhubarb cake that Sheri made was AWESOME!!! Don't forget to share that recipe with us Sheri.

The piece below is a little renegade dyeing....we threw some dry "key lime" dye into the pot, then added the 1/2 yard of wool...after that we stuck the end of a knitting needle into some water and then into some different dyes...I think lavender and boysenberry and poked the stick around in the pot.....crazy fun!!!

This is one of the flowers that I want to represent in the garden rug I'm working on.....

This is what we came up with....I like-y!

I'm nutty about these bright orangey-yellow colors in the garden.
Here is a piece of wool that came about with another round of the knitting needle dyeing....this was actually the first knitting needle experimental piece of wool. WOWZERS!
Now these are just more pictures of the many colors to choose from!

Some subdued.




This chartreuse color is one of my favorite colors in the just lights up where ever Kenny puts it.


  1. Great garden photos ~ and great dyed wool photos!! You two might do your best work while under the influence!!! I'd love to hang out with you guys!!! I love cocktail hour!!

  2. Tammy, I love your wool experiments. You and Sheri ended up making some beautiful wools.

    I always enjoy seeing the pictures of your garden. My flower beds may be a bit more "manicured" but after losing all of last year, we've really been working on them this year and it's paying off beautifully. I really love the flowers we've planted, with thanks to Lowe's.
