Sunday, May 17, 2009


I love having a brush in my hand and making something look completely different.

the possibilities

the newness

the smell of new paint

Yesterday I started painting our den "Apple Polish" red.....LOVE IT!!

The paint is from Behr at Home Depot. It's a new line they have that has the primer mixed right in with the said it would cover in 2 coats....did it deliver....YES!!!

Here is a little video of the before and after of the first wall.

The paint is not quite dry in the video, but I'm sure you'll get the idea of the transformation. I'll share more pics and video as things progress.

Not sure what we are going to do with the mantle and fireplace.....paint it red as well?.....we're thinking the trim might be an almond color....decisions, decisions.

At the end of the video you'll see my dog, Lonnie, with his favorite doll...he likes to undress her and carry her around by her hair...funny boy. He tends to be in more of my pictures because he follows me everywhere.

Today, I'll be removing the painters tape and probably be catching up on other projects....I expect all three walls to be finished by next week and then on to the trim.....or at least that's the plan.


  1. Hey Tammy...I LOVE that red...wasn't expecting APPLE POLISH to be such a prim color, I guess. Lonnie...I think he and Tag are related...or were brothers in another life. Both goofy, both adoring (of us) and so loveable!

  2. Wow! That really warmed up the room nicely! I like the music in the background of the video... kinda like watching This Old House! LOL! Almond would be the perfect accent color to the red... looking forward to the updates!

  3. This room is going to look SO GOOD!!!! I love the contrast of the walls and the furniture. Can't wait to see it all finished!!!!! Even the fireplace looks warmer and more cozy! Lonnie is the sweetest baby...............ah..............
