Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring's prom

Yesterday was such a beautiful day....
more and more plants are starting to bloom.

The tree peonies are in full glory like girls going to prom.....
fluffy and colorful and romantic....

dancing in the spring breeze.

The Solomon's Seal looks like dainty jewels hanging from their neck.

and their outfit would not be complete
without the viburnum
adorning their upswept hair.

Can you tell I'm a bit romantic about springtime?

I love it.....

everything reminds me of jewels or dresses or hats.

We also hooked last night

and I will write more about that

in my next post,

perhaps later today.

Go forth and be creative,



  1. Tammy~ Love your flowers!! One of my favs is tree peonies. The color you have is gorgeous.

  2. **sigh*** loving your pictures of how spring is blooming there!! We just had another snow a couple days ago... lol and we're lucky our lawns are turning green! ha! But no flowers or blooms except the tulips opened grew this week. Yay! So .. am living vicariously through Kenny's and your garden! :D
