Sunday, April 22, 2012

Let the hooking begin

The hardest part of this for me is trying

not to over think my color choices….trying

to go more for value than color….

trying to keep a chunky feel….


I hooked the eye first….trying to get that mournful

look of Cleopatra’s eye in this picture.


Oh yeah, what I’m obsessed with today….

“You Gotta Love Her”
painting by artist Pam Holnback

I hope this inspires me today to keep on with the

chunky look and not overthink things.


  1. A good start Tammy. It's a winner already. JB

  2. It looks great! I love the picture too.

  3. Looks like you've got the eye down pat! You're on your way!! I love that you stretch yourself ~ you're an inspiration!

  4. Oh my gosh Tammy the eye is excellent. You've caught her perfectly. Now the rest should be easy!!! I really can't wait to see this hooked. Love that painting too.....when you first look at it you see blothces of color and then further away you can see the real thing. Great inspiration!


  5. This is GREAT Tammy! You already have Cleopatra captured and that mournful look in her eye! It's really hard going for that painterly chunky feel... I'm hoping to learn from you how to go about it!!
    Hook on!!
    Cathy G

  6. I think you succeeded in getting the mournful look in the eye! It looks chunky to me...ha,ha!

  7. Take all your comments - roll them into one - and that's what I would have said too. GREAT START. Just perfect.

  8. It already looks like her! And you need to hook one of those cows someday too. You've been kinda obsessed with them for a while!!
