Sunday, January 12, 2014

Winter is off with a bang!

We’ve had snow, freezing rain, rain, snow, cold….winter is definitely

off with a bang here in Missouri.

This picture was taken before Christmas in Fordland, MO at Kenny’s

aunt and uncles….


Here is a close-up, you can see the sheep…..


The drive getting there was a bit treacherous, but beautiful!



I had knitted some wrist warmers for the gift exchange and didn’t

remember to take a picture of them, but I had knitted some more

for friends…..still don’t have a pair for myself yet.



I’ve started knitting a pair or socks…..this is what I call

“elf knitting”….tiny yarn and tiny needles, but I’m



Have never been happier to get a project “connected”

on the double points….I bet I restarted this 4-5 times.

I’ve been knitting on them for a bit…we’re talking weeks….

and I’m this far….


At this rate, I might have a pair finished by spring!

I keep reminding myself it’s not a race…I’m learning new skills.

I’ve hooked just a bit on the fish rug…..this is officially the longest

I’ve ever worked on one rug….I must make more time for it, so

I can finish and move on to other projects.

However, I must admit….it’s nice not having a deadline for everything

I work on…’s just nice to be in the moment.


It’s definitely a bright piece!


A picture of the Christmas bark I made…..YUM!!


Other than that, I’ve been trying to start out 2014 in a more organized

fashion….cleaning out my sock drawers….must make room for the

hand-knit socks!


  1. Hey... you're doing great with the socks!! Once you get the first one done, it's down hill from there! Isn't today just gorgeous after all that mess?!

  2. Just now reading blogs! Can you believe this crazy Missouri weather was close to 60 degrees today? I'm still jealous about you knitting Socks!!! But I'm so Happy those wristwarmers were MINE! I love them and have worn them continuously! Thank you friend. xoxo
